Accessing ERDDAP private datasets programatically

Instruction to Access a Private Dataset on ERDDAP Programmatically Using Python with Selenium

Sunny Hospital


November 7, 2024


November 7, 2024

This guideline shows how to automate access to a private dataset on ERDDAP that requires Google login using Chrome.


  1. Install Required Python Libraries

Run the following command to install the necessary libraries:


pip install requests selenium webdriver_manager
  1. Setup WebDriver and Helper Functions

Selenium is a tool that allows automated control of web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Here, we use it to navigate to the ERDDAP login page, handle Google login , and retrieve the authentication cookies.

webdriver_manager helps to automatically download and set up the appropriate WebDriver for Chrome.

Helper Functions

To access the ERDDAP dataset, we define three helper functions:

get_browser_cookies(login_url): Opens Chrome to log into the ERDDAP server and retrieves the login cookies. authenticate_session(login_url): Uses the cookies from get_browser_cookies to create an authenticated session. download_data(session, data_url, outfile): Uses the authenticated session to access the dataset URL and save it to the specified output file.


Here is the code with comments for each part:


import requests  # For managing sessions and HTTP requests
from selenium import webdriver  # For browser control
from import ChromeDriverManager  # To manage the browser driver
from import Service as ChromeService
from import Options
import time

def get_browser_cookies(url):
    """Retrieve cookies from the browser using Selenium."""
    # Set Chrome options to suppress automation messages
    chrome_options = Options()
    chrome_options.add_argument("--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")  # Disable automation message
    chrome_options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])  # Hide "Chrome is controlled" message
    chrome_options.add_experimental_option("useAutomationExtension", False)  # Disable the default automation extension

    # Start the Chrome browser using webdriver-manager
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options=chrome_options)

        # Navigate to the login page
        # Wait for the user to complete login (adjust time as needed)

        # Retrieve cookies from the browser session
        cookies = driver.get_cookies()
        # Verify cookies were retrieved successfully
        if not cookies:
            raise ValueError(
                "No cookies retrieved. Possible causes:\n"
                "- Insufficient sleep time; try increasing the sleep duration.\n"
                "- Incompatible or missing WebDriver for Chrome."

        # Format cookies for session headers
        formatted_cookies = "; ".join([f"{cookie['name']}={cookie['value']}" for cookie in cookies])
        print("Cookies Retrieved. Attempting to Access ERDDAP Dataset..")
        # Close the browser
    return formatted_cookies

def download_data(session, file_url, output_filename):
    """Download data file using the authenticated session."""
    response = session.get(file_url)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        print("Successfully downloaded data.")

        # Write the file content to disk
        with open(output_filename, 'wb') as f:
        print(f"Data saved to {output_filename}")
        print(f"Failed to download data. Status code: {response.status_code}")
        print("Response:", response.text)

def authenticate_session(url):
    """Authenticate session and return the session object."""
    session = requests.Session()

    # Get cookies from ERDDAP login page using Selenium
        cookie_header = get_browser_cookies(url)
    except ValueError as e:

    # Set headers with cookies for authenticated requests
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0',
        'Cookie': cookie_header
    return session

# Main Execution
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # ERDDAP login URL (through Google login)
    login_url = ""
    # ERDDAP data URL (direct link to dataset in .nc format)
    data_url = [YOUR_ERDDAP_DATASET_URL]
    # Step 1: Authenticate Session
    session = authenticate_session(login_url)

    # Step 2: Download the data file and save as YOUR FILENAME
    download_data(session, data_url, [FILENAME])

Step-by-Step Usage

  1. Install Required Libraries: Make sure requests, selenium, and webdriver_manager are installed.
  2. Set Login URL and Data URL:
    • The login_url is the ERDDAP login page (usually loginGoogle.html for Google login).
    • The data_url points to the specific dataset you want to download.
  3. Run the Script:
    • Run the script to open Chrome, log in to ERDDAP, retrieve cookies, and download the specified dataset.
    • Adjust time.sleep(60) in get_browser_cookies to allow enough time for login if needed.

Usage Notes

  • Browser and Driver Compatibility: Ensure that ChromeDriver is compatible with your installed Chrome version. webdriver_manager handles this automatically, but Chrome must be installed.
  • Alternative Browsers: This guide uses Chrome for simplicity, but Firefox and Edge are also supported with minor adjustments to the code.
  • Error Handling: The script checks if cookies were successfully retrieved. If not, it suggests potential issues.